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a cura di Andrea Barlucchi
[versione 2.0 - marzo 2002]

© 2001-2002 - Andrea Barlucchi per "Reti Medievali"

CAA. Review

College Art Association (1998-)

[03/01 = VI livello]

Cahiers archéologiques; fin de l'antiquité et moyen âge

Paris (1945-)

[06/01 = II livello]

Cahiers de civilisation médiévale: Xe - XIIe siècles

Centre d'Études Supérieures de Civilisation Médiévale, Poitiers (1958-)

[06/01 = III livello]

Cahiers Élisabéthains: late medieval and Renaissance English studies

Centre d'Études et de Recherches sur la Renaissance Anglaise de l'Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier III (1992-)

Cahiers Élisabéthains: études sur la pré-Renaissance anglaises (1972-1991)

[06/01 = III livello]

Cahiers de Fanjeaux

Centre d'Etudes historiques de Fanjeaux (1966-)

[06/01 = II livello]

Cahiers d'histoire

Comité historique du Centre-Est (1956-)

[03/02 = IV livello]

Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge grec et latin

Institute for Greek and Latin, Copenhagen University (1969-)

[06/01 = III livello]

Cahiers raciniens

Société racinienne (1957-1974)

[06/01 = II livello]

Cahiers Tristan L'Hermite

Rougerie et Les Amis de Tristan l'Hermite (1979-)

[06/01 = II livello]

Cambrian medieval Celtic studies

Faculty of Celtic Studies, University College, Cork (1994-)

Cambridge medieval Celtic studies (1981-1993)

[06/01 = II livello]

Canadian journal of history = Annales Canadiennes d'histoire

University of Saskatchewan (1966-)

[06/01 = V livello]

Canadian university music review = Revue de musique des universités canadiennes

The Canadian University Music Society (1980-)

[06/01 = III livello]

Le Carte e la Storia

Società per gli studi di storia delle istituzioni (1995-)

[06/01 = III livello]

The Catholic historical review

The American Catholic Historical Association (1921/22-)

The Catholic historical review: for the study of the church history of the United States (1915/16-1919/20)

[06/01 = V livello]


Dept. of Romance & Classical Languages, Michigan State University (1977-)

[06/01 = II livello]

Celtica. Journal of the School of Celtic Studies

School of Celtic Studies - Scoil an Léinn Cheiltigh, Dublin (1946-)

[06/01 = III livello]

[01/02 = V livello]

Central European history

Conference Group for Central European History - Humanities Press International (1968-)

[06/01 = II livello]

[01/02 = V livello]

Cervantes: bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America

Cervantes Society of America (1981-)

[06/01 = V livello]

Chaucer Review. A Journal of Medieval Studies and Literary Criticism

Chaucer Group of the Modern Language Association (1966-)

[06/01 = III livello]

Chelys: the journal of the Viola da Gamba Society

The Viola da Gamba Society of America (1964-)

[06/01 = III livello]

The choral journal: official publication of the American Choral Directors Association

American Choral Directors Association

[06/01 = V livello]

Chronicon. An Electronic History Journal

Department of History, University College Cork (1997-)

[05/01 = VI livello]


Société d'Étude de l'Histoire de l'Alchimie (1987-)

[03/02 = III livello]

Church history: studies in Christianity and culture

The American Society of Church History (1998-)

Church history (1932-1997)

[06/01 = V livello]

Church music: an annual publication of church music in America

Church music (1967-1978)

[06/01 = II livello]

Cistercian studies quarterly

Cistercian studies: a quarterly review dealing with monastic spirituality, published in collaboration with Collectanea Cisterciensia (1966-1975)
Cistercian studies (1976-1990)

[06/01 = II livello]

Classica et mediaevalia: revue danoise de philologie et d'histoire

Museum Tusculanum Press, University of Copenhagen (1949-)

[06/01 = III livello]

Classical and modern literature: a quarterly

Department of Classical Studies at the University of Missouri

[06/01 = II livello]

Clio: a journal of literature, history and the philosophy of history

Indiana University-Purdue University (1979-)

Clio: an interdisciplinary journal of literature, history, and the philosophy of history (1971-1978)

[06/01 = V livello]

Clio. Trimestrale di studi storici

Elsinore, Roma - Edizioni scientifiche italiane, Napoli (1965-)

[06/01 = I livello]

Codices manuscripti. Zeitschrift für Handschriftenkunde

Brüder Hollinek, Purkersdorf (1875-)

[02/01 = III livello]

Collectanea franciscana

Istituto Storico Cappuccini, Roma (1930)

[06/01 = IV livello]

Collegium Medievale. Interdisciplinary Journal of Medieval Research

Collegium Medievale: Society for Medieval Studies (1988-)

[06/01 = III livello]

Comitatus. A journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies

Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Berkeley University (1973-)

Comitatus: studies in Old and Middle English literature (1970)
Comitatus: a journal of medieval literary studies (1971-72)

[02/01 = III livello]

Communication monographs

National Communication Association (1976-)

Speech monographs (1934-1975)

[02/01 = II livello]

Comparative drama

Western Michigan University (1967-)

[06/01 = III livello]

Comparative literature: cl

University of Oregon (1949-)

Comparative literature (1949-1958)

[06/01 = II livello]

Comparative literature studies

Pennsylvania State University Press (1964-)

[06/01 = V livello]


Computers and the Humanities

The Association for Computers and the Humanities - Kluwer Academic Publishers (1966-)

[06/01 = V livello]

Concerto: das Magazin für alte Musik

Manfred Joh. Böhlen - CONCERTO VERLAG (1983-)

[06/01 = III livello]

Concilium medii aevi. Zeitschrift für Geschichte, Kunst und Kultur des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit

Duehrkohp & Radicke (1998-)

[06/01 = V livello]

Confraternitas: the bulletin of the Society for Confraternity Studies

Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies - Society for Confraternity Studies (1990-)

[06/01 = III livello]

Connotations: a journal of critical debate

Connotations Society - Waxmann Verlag Münster/New York (1991-)

[06/01 = III livello]

The consort: European journal of early music

The Dolmetsch Foundation (1994-)

The consort (1929-1959)
The consort: journal of the Dolmetsch Foundation (1960-1964)
The consort: annual journal of the Dolmetsch Foundation (1965-1993)

[06/01 = II livello]

Continuo: the magazine of old music

Continuo (1978)
Continuo: an early music magazine (1978-1986)

[06/01 = V livello]

La Corónica. A Journal of Medieval Spanish Language and Literature

G. D. Greenia, Department of Modern Languages, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg (1985-)

La corónica: Spanish language and medieval literature (1972-1984)

[06/01 = III livello]

Crime, Histoire et Sociétés / Crime History and Society

International Association for the History of Crime and Criminal Justice (IAHCC) - Fondation de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme  (1997-)

[03/02 = III livello]

Critical inquiry

University of Chicago Press (1976-)

Critical inquiry: a voice for reasoned inquiry into significant creations of the human spirit (1974-1975)

[06/01 = III livello]


Cuadernos Burgaleses de Historia Medieval

Universidad de Burgos,  Servicio de Publicaciones - Ediciones Librería Berceo

[06/01 = I livello]

[02/02 = III livello]

Cuadernos del Cemyr (Ciencia y magia en la Edad Media)

Centro de Estudios Medievales y Renacentistas - Universidad de La Laguna (1993-)

[06/01 = I livello]


Cuadernos de Estudios Medievales, Ciencias y Técnicas Historigráficas

Universidad de Granada (1991-)

Cuadernos de Estudios Medievales (1973-1990)

[06/01 = I livello]

Cuadernos de Historia del Derecho

Departamento de Historia del Derecho,Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1994-)

[02/02 = III livello]

Cuadernos de historia de España

Instituto de Historia de España Claudio Sánchez-Albornoz - Buenos Aires (1944-)

[06/01 = I livello]

[02/02 = II livello]

Cuadernos de Historia Medieval

Departamento de Historia Medieval de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (1999-)

[06/01 = VI livello]

Cultura neolatina

Universita' degli Studi di Roma, Istituto di Filologia Romanza (1941-)

[02/01 = I livello]

Current musicology

Department of Music, Columbia University (1965-)

[06/01 = III livello]


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Reti Medievali