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a cura di Andrea Barlucchi
[versione 2.0 - marzo 2002]

© 2001-2002 - Andrea Barlucchi per "Reti Medievali"

Feminist studies

Dept. Of Women's Studies - University of Maryland

[04/01 = III  livello]

Fides et historia: journal of The Conference on Faith and History

The Conference on Faith and History (1968-)

Fides et historia: official publication of The Conference on Faith and History (1968-82)

[04/01 = V livello]

Fifteenth century studies

The Fifteenth-Century Symposium - Boydell & Brewer ed. (1978-)

[04/01 = III  livello]

Florilegium: papers on Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages

The Canadian Society of Medievalists- La Société Canadienne des Mediévistés (1995-)

Florilegium: Carleton University annual papers on Classical Antiquity and the Middle Ages (1979-1986)
Florilegium: Carleton University annual papers on Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages (1987)
Florilegium: Carleton University papers on Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages (1988/91-1994)

[05/01 = II livello]

Folklore : A quarterly review of mith, tradition, institution and custon

Folklore Society of London (1890-)

The *Folk-lore record (1878-1882)
The Folk-lore journal (1883-1889)

[03/02 = V livello]

Fontes Rerum Balearium

Fundación Banca March (1977-)

[06/01 = I livello]

Forum italicum: a journal of Italian studies

Center for Italian Studies - State University of New York at Stony Brook (1980-)

Forum italicum (1967)
Forum italicum: a quarterly sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences / Florida State University (1967-1968)
Forum italicum: a quarterly of Italian studies / State University of New York at Buffalo (1969-1979)

[05/01 = III  livello]

Francia. Forschungen zur Westeuropäischen Geschichte

Deutsche Historische Institut in Paris (1973-)

[06/01 = II livello]

[02/02 = III livello]

Franciscana. Bollettino della Società internazionale di studi francescani

Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo (1999-)

[02/01 = III  livello]

French forum

French Section of the Department of Romance Languages, University of Pennsylvania (1976-)

[05/01 = II livello]

[02/02 = V livello]

French Historical Studies

The Society for French Historical Studies - University of California at Davis, Department of History (1999-)

[05/01 = V livello]

French history

Society for the Study of French History - Oxford University Press (1987-)

[05/01 = III livello]

French studies: a quarterly review

The Society for French Studies - Oxford University Press (1947-)

[05/01 = III livello]

Frühmittelalterliche Studien. Jahrbuch des Institut für Frühmittelalterforschung der Universität Münster

Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG (1966-)

[06/01 = III  livello]

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Reti Medievali