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a cura di Andrea Barlucchi
[versione 2.0 - marzo 2002]

© 2001-2002 - Andrea Barlucchi per "Reti Medievali"

Lambard: Estudis D'Art Medieval. Amics de L'Art Romànic

Barcelona, Institut d'Estudis Catalans (1985-)

[06/01 = I livello]


Latium: rivista di studi storici

Centro di Anagni dell'Istituto di Storia e Arte del Lazio meridionale (1984-)

[05.01 = II livello]

Latomus: revue d'études latines

Société d'Études Latines  de Bruxelles, Éditions Latomes (1937-)

[05.01 = II livello]

[02/02 = III livello]

Law and history review

University of Illinois Press (1983-)

[05.01 = V livello]

Leeds studies in English

The School of English, University of Leeds (1967-)

Leeds Studies in English and Kindred Languages (1932-1952)

[05.01 = III  livello]

Lemir. Revista de Literatura Española Medieval y del Renacimiento

Departamento de Filología Española, Facultad de Filología, Universidad de Valencia (1996/97-)

[06/01 = V livello]

Lias: sources and documents relating to the Early Modern history of ideas

Apa-Holland University press (1974-)

[05.01 = II livello]

The library: a quarterly journal of bibliography (The transactions of the Bibliographical Society)

Bibliographical Society (<http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/djshaw/bibsoc/index.html>) - Oxford University Press (1964-)

The library: a magazine of bibliography and literature (1889-1893)
The library: a magazine of bibliography and library literature (1894-1898)
The library: a quarterly review of bibliography and library lore (1899/1900-1919)
The library: a quarterly review of bibliography (Transactions of the Bibliographical Society) (1920/21-1963)

[05.01 = III  livello]

Literature and theology: an international journal of religion, theory and culture

Oxford University Press (2000-)

Literature & theology (1987-1990)
Literature & theology: an interdisciplinary journal of theory and criticism (1991-1994)
Literature & theology: an international journal of theory, criticism and culture (1994-1997)
Literature & theology: an international journal of religion, theory and culture (1997-1999)

[05.01 = III livello]

Littératures classiques

Paris, Aux amateurs de livres (1989-)

Cahiers de littérature du XVIIe siècle (1979-1988)

[05.01 = II livello]

London Mediaeval Studies

London (1937-1951)

[06/01 = II livello]

The lute: the journal of the Lute Society

The Lute Society (1982-)

The Lute Society journal (1959-1979/81)

[05.01 = III  livello]

Lute Society of America quarterly

Lute Society of America (1989-)

Newsletter: Lute Society of America (1980-1988)

[05.01 = II livello]

Luther: Zeitschrift der Luther-Gesellschaft

Luther-Gesellschaft (1918-)

[05.01 = II livello]

[02/02 = III livello]

Luther Jahrbuch: Jahrbuch der Luther Gesellschaft

Luther-Gesellschaft - Institut für Kirchengeschichte, Theologischen Fakultät Leipzig (1919-)

[05.01 = III  livello]

Lutheran quarterly

Evangelical-Lutheran Church (1949-)

[05.01 = V livello]

Lychnos: årsbok för idé- och lärdomshistoria / annual of the Swedish History of Science Society

Swedish History of Science Society (1992-)

Lychnos: lärdomshistoriska samfundets årsbok / annual of the Swedish History of Science Society / annuaire de la Société suédoise d'histoire des sciences / Jahrbuch der schwedischen Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Wissenschaften (1936-1990)
Lychnos: årsbok för idéhistoria och vetenskapshistoria / annual of the Swedish History of Science Society (1991)

[05.01 = III livello]

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Reti Medievali