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a cura di Andrea Barlucchi
[versione 2.0 - marzo 2002]

© 2001-2002 - Andrea Barlucchi per "Reti Medievali"

Sacred music

Church Music Association of America (1964-)

Caecilia: a Catholic review of musical art (1949-1952)
Caecilia: a review of Cathoic Church and school music (1953-1964)

[06/01 = IV livello]

Saeculum. Jahrbuch für Universalgeschichte

Karl Alber, Freiburg - Munchen (1950-)

[06/01 = II livello]

Scandinavian economic history review

The Scandinavian Society for Economic and Social History and Historical Geography - Odense University Press

[06/01 = III livello]

Scandinavian studies: the journal of the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study

The Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study (1971-)

Scandinavian studies and notes (1911/14-1938/39)
Scandinavian studies: publication of the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study (1940/41-1957)
Scandinavian studies (1958-1970)

[06/01 = III livello]

Scandinavica: an international journal of Scandinavian studies

Centre for Modern Nordic Studies, University East Anglia - Norvik Press (1962-)

[06/01 = III livello]

Schede medievali. Rassegna dell'officina di studi medievali

Palermo, Officina di studi medievali. (1981-)

[02/01 = I livello]

Schifanoia: notizie dell'Istituto di Studi Rinascimentali di Ferrara

Istituto di Studi Rinascimentali di Ferrara (1986-)

[06/01 = II livello]


Schweizer Jahrbuch für Musikwissenschaft = Annales suisses de musicologie

Publikationen der Schweizerischen Musikforschenden Gesellschaft, Bern (1972-)

[06/01 = II livello]

The score: a music magazine

London (1958-)

The score: a music magazine (1949-1954)
The score and I.M.A. magazine (1954-1957)

[06/01 = II livello]

Scottish Economic and Social History

Edinburgh University Press (1990-)

[05/01 = III livello]

The Scottish historical review

Edimburgh University Press (1903-)

[06/01 = III livello]


Scottish studies

Scottish Studies Centre - Fachbereiches Angewandte Sprach und Kulturwissenschaft der Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz (1984-)

[06/01 = I livello]

[02/02 = II livello]

Scrineum. Saggi e materiali online di scienze del documento e del libro medievali

Universitŕ di Pavia (1999-)

[06/01 = VI livello]

Scripta Mediterranea: bulletin of the Society for Mediterranean studies / bulletin de la Société d'Études Méditerranéennes

Canadian Institute for Mediterranean Studies (1908-)

[06/01 = III livello]

Scriptorium: revue internationale des etudes relatives aux manuscrits / international review of manuscript studies

Fondation universitaire de Belgique - Ministčre de la culture, Bruxelles (1946/47-)

[06/01 = II livello]

Scrittura e civiltŕ

Bottega d'Erasmo - L. S. Olschki (1977-)

[06/01 = III livello]

Sefardica: publicación del Centro de Investigación y Difusión de la Cultura Sefardí

Centro de Investigación y Difusión de la Cultura Sefardí (1983-)

[06/01 = III livello]

The seventeenth century

Manchester University Press (1986-)

[06/01 = V livello]

Shakespeare quarterly

Shakespeare Association of America (1951-)

The Shakespeare quarterly (1950)

[06/01 = V livello]

Shakespeare studies

Vanderbilt University, Center for Shakespeare Studies (1989-)

Shakespeare studies: an annual gathering of research, criticism and reviews (1965-1988)

[06/01 = II livello]

Shakespeare survey: an annual survey of Shakespeare studies and production

Cambridge University Press (1988-)

Shakespeare survey: an annual survey of Shakespearian study & production (1948-1963)
Shakespeare survey (1964)
Shakespeare survey: an annual survey of Shakespearian study & production (1965-1969)
Shakespeare survey: an annual survey of Shakespearian study and production (1970-1987)

[06/01 = II livello]

[02/02 = IV livello]

Shakespeare yearbook: an interdisciplinary annual dealing with all influences on the Shakespearean corpus and culture

H. Klein - The Edwin Mellen Press (1990-)

[06/01 = III livello]

Signs: journal of women in culture and society

The University of Chicago Press (1975-)

[06/01 = III livello]

The sixteenth century journal: the journal of Early Modern studies

Truman State University (1992-)

Sixteenth century essays and studies (1970-1971)
The sixteenth century journal: a journal for Renaissance and Reformation students and scholars (1972-1991)

[06/01 = III livello]

Slavic review

American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (1961-)

[06/01 = V livello]

Social history

J. Blackman, K. Nield - Taylor & Francis Group (1976-)

[06/01 = V livello]


Societŕ e storia

Franco Angeli, Milano (1978-)

[06/01 = II livello]

[02/02 = III livello]

Soundings: a music journal

Department of Music, University College, Cardiff (1970-)

[06/01 = II livello]

South Atlantic review: the journal of the South Atlantic Modern Language Association

South Atlantic Modern Language Association (1998-)

South Atlantic bulletin (1935-1969)
South Atlantic bulletin: a quarterly journal devoted to research and teaching in the modern languages and literatures (1970-1978)
SAB: South Atlantic bulletin (1979-1980)
South Atlantic review (1981-1997)

[06/01 = III livello]

Speculum: a journal of mediaeval studies

Medieval Academy of America (1926-)

[06/01 = V livello]

La Medieval Academy of America pubblica anche un bollettino on-line:
Medieval Academy News, <http://www.medievalacademy.org/>

Spenser newsletter

Department of English, the University of Western Ontario (1970-)

[06/01 = II livello]

Spenser studies: a Renaissance poetry annual

T. P. Roche Jr., A. Lake Prescott, W. A. Oram - A.M.S. Press (1980-)

[06/01 = III livello]


Fabio M. Bertolo e Teresa Nocita (1996-)

[06/01 = VI livello]

Studi sul Boccaccio

Ente Nazionale Giovanni Boccaccio - Le Lettere, Firenze (1963-)

[03/02 = III livello]

Studi danteschi

Societŕ dantesca italiana (1920-)

[06/01 = II livello]

Studi di filologia italiana. Bollettino annuale dell'Accademia della Crusca

Accademia della Crusca (1927-)

[06/01 = III livello]

Studi d'italianistica nell'Africa australe = Italian studies in southern Africa

University of South Africa (1988-)

[06/01 = IV  livello]

Studi medievali

Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo (1928-)

Nuovi studi medievali (1923-1927)
Studi medievali (1904-1922)

[02/01 = III livello]

Studi mediolatini e volgari

[06/01 = II livello]

Studi musicali

Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia (1972-)

[06/01 = III livello]

Studi petrarcheschi

Accademia Petrarca di Lettere Arti e Scienze di Arezzo (1948-)

[06/01 = II livello]

Studi e problemi di critica testuale

Spongano R., Bologna (1970-)

[03/02 = II livello]

Studi senesi

Universitŕ degli Studi di Siena - INDUSTRIA GRAFICA PISTOLESI - EDITRICE IL LECCIO (1951-)

Studi senesi nel Circolo Giuridico della Universitŕ (1884-1950)

[02/02 = I livello]

Studi storici Luigi Simeoni

Istituto per gli Studi Storici veronesi (1982-)

Studi storici veronesi Luigi Simeoni (1950-1981)

[06/01 = II livello]

Studi veneziani

Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Istituto di Storia della Societŕ e dello Stato Veneziano, Istituto "Venezia e l'Oriente" (1985-)

Bollettino di Storia e della Societŕ dello Stato Veneziano (1959-1964)

[06/01 = II livello]

[02/02 = III livello]

Studia Celtica

Board of Celtic Studies of the University of Wales - University of Wales Press (1966-)

[06/01 = III livello]

Studia hibernica

Saint Patrick's Training College, Dublin (1961-)

[06/01 = I livello]


Studia Historica - Historia Medieval

Departamento de Historia Medival, Moderna y Contemporanea - Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca (1983-)

[06/01 = III livello]

Studia monastica. Commentarium ad rem monasticam historice investigandam

Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat (1959)

[06/01 = I livello]

Studia musicologica

Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae (1961-)

[06/01 = II livello]

Studia mystica

R. Boenig, K. Greenspan, M. E. Giles - The Edwin Mellen Press (1978-)

[06/01 = III livello]

Studia neophilologica: a journal of Germanic and Romance languages and literature

G. Müller, University of Uppsala - Taylor & Francis Group (1976-)

Studia neophilologica: a journal of Germanic and Romanic philology (1928-1953/54)
Studia neophilologica: a journal of Germanic and Romance philology (1955-1975)

[06/01 = V livello]


Studies in the age of Chaucer

New Chaucer Society (1979-)

[06/01 = III livello]

Studies in English literature 1500-1900

Rice University, Houston - Johns Hopkins University Press (1961-)

[06/01 = V livello]

Studies in the history of art

National gallery of art, Washington (1971-)

Report and studies in the history of art (1967-1970)

[06/01 = II livello]


Studies in the history of gardens & designed landscapes: an international quarterly

Taylor & Francis Group (1998-)

Journal of garden history: an international quarterly (1981-1997)

[05/01 = III livello]

Studies in history and philosophy of science

N. Jardine, M. Frasca-Spada, University of Cambridge - Elsevier Science Ltd. (1970/71-)

[06/01 = III livello]

[02/02 = V livello]

Studies in iconography

Northern Kentucky University - Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University  (1975-)

[06/01 = I livello]

[02/02 = III livello]

Studies in medieval culture

Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University (1964-1977)

[06/01 = II livello]

Studies in medieval and Renaissance history

University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln (1964-)

[06/01 = II livello]

Studies in music

University of Western Australia Press (1967-1992)

[06/01 = II livello]

Studies in music from the University of Western Ontario

Department of Music History, University of Western Ontario (1976-)

[06/01 = II livello]

Studies in philology

University of North Carolina Press (1923-)

Studies in philology (1906-1913)
Studies in philology: a quarterly journal published under the direction of the Philological Club of the University of North Carolina (1915-1916)
Studies in philology: a quarterly journal published by the University of North Carolina (1917-1922)

[06/01 = II livello]

Studies in the Renaissance

Renaissance Society of America (1954-1974)

[06/01 = II livello]

Studies in Scottish literature

Department of English, University of South Carolina (1963-)

[06/01 = III livello]

Studium generale

Contactgroep Universiteitsgeschiedenis - Groupe de contact pour l'histoire des universités, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (1995-)

[03/02 = VI livello]

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Reti Medievali