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a cura di Andrea Barlucchi
[versione 2.0 - marzo 2002]

© 2001-2002 - Andrea Barlucchi per "Reti Medievali"


Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla (1970-)

[05/01 = II livello]

[02/02 = III livello]

Hansische Geschichtsblätter

Hansischer Geschichtsverein - Böhlau-Verlag (1871-)

[06/01 = IV livello]

Hansische Studien

Hansischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Historiker-Gesellschaft - Hansischen Geschichtsverein (1961-)

[06/01 = II livello]

Harvard studies in classical philology

Harvard University Press (1890-)

[05/01 = III livello]

The Harvard theological review

Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, MA (1908-)

[05/01 = V livello]

The Haskins Society journal: studies in medieval history

The Haskins Society for Anglo-Saxon, Viking, Anglo-Norman, and early Angevin history (1989-)

[05/01 = III livello]

Heroic Age. A Journal of Early Medieval Northwestern Europe

Michelle Ziegler (1999-)

[06/01 = VI livello]

Hidalguía. Revista de Genealogía, Nobleza y Armas

CSIC (1953-)

[06/01 = I livello]


Hispania: a journal devoted to the interests of the teaching of Spanish and Portuguese

American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (1918-): <http://www.aatsp.org/>

[05/01 = II livello]

Hispania. Revista española del historia

CSIC - Instituto de Historia (1940-)

[02/02 = III livello]

Hispania Epigraphica

Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1989-)

[06/01 = I livello]

[02/02 = III livello]

Hispania Sacra

CSIC (1948-)

[06/01 = I livello]

[02/02 = III livello]

Hispanic journal

Department of Spanish and Classical Languages, Indiana University of Pennsylvania

[05/01 = II livello]

Hispanic review

University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia - The Hispanic Society of America (1973-)

Hispanic review: a quarterly journal devoted to research in the Hispanic languages & literatures (1933-1972)

[05/01 = III livello]

Histoire et Sociétés Rurales

Association d'histoire des sociétés rurales (1994-)

[03/02 = III livello]

Historia. Instituciones. Documentos

Universidad de Sevilla (1974-)

[06/01 = III livello]

The historical journal

Cambridge University Press (1958-)

The Cambridge historical journal (1923-1957)

[05/01 = III livello]

Historical reflections = Réflexions historiques

Alfred University, New York (1974-)

[05/01 = III livello]

Historical research: the bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research

Institute of Historical Research - Blackwell Publishers (1987)

Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research (1923-86)

[03/01 = V livello]

Historiographia linguistica: international journal for the history of the language sciences / revue internationale pour l'histoire des sciences du langage / internationale Zeitschrift für die Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaften

John Benjamins Publishing Company (1984-)

Historiographia linguistica: international journal for the history of linguistics / revue internationale pour l'histoire de la linguistique / internationale Zeitschrift für die Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft (1974-1983)

[05/01 = III livello]

[02/02 = V livello]

Historische Zeitschrift

Oldenbourg Verlage (1859-)

[05/01 = V livello]

History of education quarterly

The History of Education Society - College of Education, University of Pennsylvania (1961-)

[05/01 = III livello]

History: the journal of the Historical Association

The Historical Association (<http://www.history.org.uk/HTML/index.htm>)   - Blackwell Publishers (1946-)

History: the quarterly journal of the Historical Association (1916/17-1945)

[05/01 = V livello]


History of philosophy quarterly

North American Philosophical Publications (1984-)

[05/01 = II livello]


History of political thought

Imprint Academic (1980-)

[05/01 = V livello]

History of religions

University of Chicago Press (1999-)

History of religions: an international journal for comparative historical studies (1961/62-1998/99)

[05/01 = III livello]

History of science: a review of literature and research in the hisory of science, medicine and technology in its intellectual and social context

Bucks, Eng., Science History Publications (1972-)

History of science: an annual review of literature, research and teaching (1962-1971)

[05/01 = II livello]

History of universities

Amersham, Bucks (1981-)

[05/01 = II livello]

[02/02 = III livello]

Hortus Artium Mediaevalium

Brepols Publishers (1995-)

[06/01 = I livello]

Humanistica Lovaniensia: journal of neo Latin studies

Leuven University Press (1971-)

Humanistica Lovaniensia (1928-1970)

[05/01 = III livello]


Huntington Library quarterly: studies in English and American history and literature

Huntington Library Press (1995-)

The Huntington Library bulletin (1931-1937)
The Huntington Library quarterly (1937-1946)
The Huntington Library quarterly: a journal for the history and interpretation of English and American civilization (1946-1981)
The Huntington Library quarterly: studies in English and American history and literature (1982-1994)

[05/01 = III livello]

[02/02 = V livello]


École Doctorale d'Histoire - Publications de la Sorbonne (1997-)

[03/02 = III livello]

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Reti Medievali